Some people are born blind or with impaired eyesight, while others develop eye conditions, especially the elderly. And that said, they may no longer enjoy many activities – needing home care in Virginia to get by.
We know how prone our seniors are to vision loss and eye concerns, so here are some tips from our caregivers in Arlington, Virginia on how to care for the eyes:
- Screentime
We understand how many seniors enjoy watching their favorite game, TV series, or movies or playing their favorite game online or offline. But going overboard can be detrimental to the eyes. It is best to avoid binge-watching and overusing gadgets. - Reading time
Reading can be a good pastime. It helps with seniors’ memory and cognition. But like everything else, they must also put a limit on their reading time. Seniors can rely on companion care when they need some sort of entertainment while idle. - Eye rest
Resting the eyes does not only mean limiting yourself from using it or sleeping. You can also rest your eyes through quiet wakefulness and looking at the scenes of greenery and tranquility. Family members can contribute to seniors’ relaxation by creating a peaceful and senior-friendly home. - Eye drops
Blinking creates natural tears that keep our eyes moist, but using prescription eye drops can be a relief. Use them, especially when you are on a digital device for a long time.
My Privilege Home Care LLC is here to provide you with most if not everything you need to remain comfortable in your senior years. Should you need exceptional personal assistant service from our professionals, talk to us at 703-543-5946.
Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.
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